jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

Good Enough - Life House

Holaa!! Cristina al tecladoOh!!
Hoy ha siido un día estresanteeh.. Pero vosotr@s no lo sabéis bien!! Lo sabemos yo y mii claseeh!! Coriiendo bajo la miierDaah de lluviia!! xDee!!

Bueno, bueno genteeh!! Hoy os traigo algo nuevo que no tiene nada que ver con las otras canciones que os hemos puesto, la verdad, no es un grupo conocido nii tampoco es una canción que esté de moda, pero es que es tan boniita... ^^ Espero que no os resulte aburriiDaah! cawenn!! ¬¬

Se llama Good Enough y la cantan y la tocan Life House. Es muy boniita!!
Os dejo el vídeo!! DisfrutadLoOh!

It seems the more we talk
The less I have to say
Let's put our differences aside
I wanted to make you proud

But I just got in your way
I found a place that I hide
Now everything is changing
But I still feel the same

We're running out of time
What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
And its all that I can be

I tried to find myself
Looking inside your eyes
You were all that I was meant to be
There must be something else

Behind all the lies
That you have lead me to believe
[Más Letras en es.mp3lyrics.org/fOc]
Now everyone is saying
That I should find a way
To leave it all behind

What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
And its all that I can be

What do I have to do
To try to make you see
Trying to be like you
isn't good enough for me

I wont let you go
I wont let you down
I wont give you up

don't you give up on me now
What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
And its all that I can be

What do I have to do
To try to make you see
Trying to be like you
isn't good enough for me
What do I have to do
To try to make you see...


Ya está!! Graciias por visitar el blog!! Más adelante pondré la dirección, de momento, disfrutad con nuestras actualizaciones y nuestras lokuras!! ^^


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...


k es la segunda vez k t firmo
k tnes sto mu wen montao tam u kurrao!!!


weno no se k m as ponerte

k ya sabes ke te kero muxixixixmo!!!

y eso xao